Tuesday, 4 August 2009

The Pandava

Pandawa is a word from the Sanskrit (Devanagari: पाण्डव; Pāṇḍava spelled), which means that children harafiah "Pandu" (Pandu), which is one of King Hastinapura in wiracarita Mahabharata. Thus, the Pandawa the kingdom's crown prince. In wiracarita Mahabharata, is the Pandawa protagonis while antagonis is the Korawa, the son of Dretarastra, brother of their father (Pandu). According to Hindu susastra (Mahabharata), every member is Pandawa embodiment (incarnation) of a particular god, and every member Pandawa have a certain name. Suppose the name "Werkodara" literally meaning is "wolf stomach." Fifth Pandawa married Dropadi the battled in a contest in the Kingdom of Panchala, and have (each) of a son.

The Pandawa are important figures in wiracarita an important part in the Mahabharata, the great battle at Kurukshetra between the mainland with the Korawa Pandawa and their associates. Acts to be important in the story wiracarita Mahabharata, in addition to the story and Pandawa Korawa play dice.

Pandawa consists of the five princes, three of them (Yudistira, Bima and Arjuna) is the son of Kunti uterus, while the other (and Nakula sadewa) is the son of Madri uterus, but their father the same, namely Pandu.

According to Hindu tradition, fifth son of Pandu is a incarnation not directly from their respective gods. These are as follows:

* Yudistira Yamaraja incarnation of god, god of justice and wisdom;
* Bima Bayu incarnation of the god, the wind;
* Arjuna incarnation of the god Indra, the Paradise;
* Nakula and Sadewa incarnation of the god twin Aswin, Dewa treatment.

source: www.wikipedia.com

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